Here at BPBDIA, students have daily access to a wide range of facilities and materials that are found nowhere else in India. Once a student begins school here, some of these materials are signed out to that child personally and they are expected to take ownership of them. If, during the course of the year, the student loses, damages, or destroys any of these materials, they are responsible for the replacement cost of the materials. These materials include, but are not limited to, library books, text books, Learn Pads, Promethean Boards, classroom desks and chairs and general school property. The student’s end of year report will be withheld until all fines and damages are paid in full.
Below is a more detailed description of the different materials that students will have access to and the responsibilities assumed by them.
The school loans class books and library books on the understanding that students will return them in good condition.
It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that these books are not stolen or damaged beyond reasonable wear and tear. Students who are unable to return, in reasonable condition, a book loaned to them by the School will be required to pay the replacement costs, including the cost of shipping.
As good citizens, everyone should take pride in his/her school and help take care of the buildings and grounds by observing the following rules:
- Use waste cans and trash bins for the disposal of waste materials.
- Do not mark on the walls, desks, tables, floors, or buildings.
- Do not abuse school property in any way.
Students are also responsible for appropriate use of other school property: the building, furniture, computers, library, science, and PE equipment. Any loss or damage to school property, whether accidental or deliberate, may require reimbursement for the cost of replacement or repair.
Nothing may be sold on the school campus without permission from the principal and school board when applicable.
No one may use the school facilities without permission from the principal and the Board or their designee. Appropriate paper work must be obtained from the school, completed, and approval granted before the facility can be used
If you have lost an article of value, notify the school’s office. If you found an article of value, take it to the office. Students should not bring unnecessary personal items of value to school. The school is not responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen personal items. Any items not claimed by the end of the year may be donated to charity.
Students must assume responsibility for personal property, sports equipment, and other items brought to school. These should be appropriately labeled. We strongly advise that parents not send large amounts of money or valuable personal items such as iPods, MP3 players, mobile phones or expensive toys with their children.
At no time are knives, toy guns, or other weapon-like objects allowed at school. If there is a question as to whether an item is defined as a weapon, management will have the final say in determining its appropriateness at school. Violators of this policy could be subject to suspension or expulsion.
The school is not responsible for damage to, or theft of, students’ private property; unless the school has been negligent. We recommend students not to bring to school expensive items which may be stolen – clothing, mobile phones and jewelry.
Non-valuable items can be taken care of during Physical Education lessons.
The school does not accept responsibility for these items and is therefore not obliged to pay compensation for lost or stolen items.
Students may request use of school telephones only in case of emergencies.
Certain items require a specific waiver form in order to sign them out to students for the duration of the school. These waivers will be handed out at the beginning of the school year.
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” – Albert Einstein
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