No school leaving certificate will be issued without a written application from the parent/guardian after the payment of all dues to the school.
Prior to the withdrawal of a student from the school a month’s notice or payment of a month’s fee is required.
As a rule students who are dismissed from the school will not be re-admitted.
Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, chronic disobedience, bad conduct, involvement in sexual harassment, sexual misconduct with the opposite sex, or sickness liable to be injurious or contagious to other students, justify dismissal. Students of those parents who regularly make complaints and are not satisfied with the facilities provided by the school management will be given notice to withdraw their ward; if not withdrawn T.C. will be issued along with their progress report of the final exam.
Readmission to this school will be banned for those who even if have passed or are promoted academically, but have received “Notice of information for in-disciplinary behavior in the school”, for more than 3 times with a final warning and have not shown any remarkable improvement. They will be issued the T.C. along with their progress report.
The Principal’s decision shall be final in all cases of dismissal or withdrawal.
A child who uses unfair means or receives or gives assistance in any form during examination & class-tests will be given zero in the subject and repetition of the same fault will result in dismissal of the student from the school.
Students can be withdrawn or removed from school as under:
A. By giving one current month’s notice in writing. In absence of such a notice one month’s fee will be charged.
B. By the school authorities on any one of the following grounds:
Constant weakness in studies.
Irregularity in attendance.
Behavioral Problem.
Overage in any class.
Overage in any class.
Overage in any class.
Overage in any class.
Non-payment of the fees or chronic irregularity in payment.
Moral breach considered serious by the school committee.
Those who create any problem for the proper running of the school.
Disobedience to the school rules and regulations.
Children of parents who create undue demands & vitiate the peaceful atmosphere of the school and cause tension to the management.
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” – Albert Einstein
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